Growing Bookworms: Books to help children cope with change

I am over at Writing to be Read with my first Growing Bookworms post for 2022. It discusses books that can assist children in coping with change in their lives.

Writing to be Read

Welcome to the first post of 2022 in the Growing Bookworms series.

A lot of people and children face change at the beginning of a new calendar year. In the Southern Hemisphere, children change grades and sometimes schools. Parents often change jobs and this can trigger changes to homes, schools, cities, and even countries.

Adults are better equipped to cope with change because they have more experience of life than children. Adults have already transitioned from junior school to high school and then often on to a tertiary education institution. Most adults have looked for, and gained, employment and have moved from their parents home to their own dwelling. Some adults have moved jobs and homes numerous times. As a result of the many life changes most adults have faced, they have learned strategies to help them cope with the anxieties and concerns that arise from major life changes.


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38 thoughts on “Growing Bookworms: Books to help children cope with change

  1. Awww … Robbie, you’ve chosen three of my favourite children’s book, and I’d never thought before how they can help children cope with change. Yet, of course this is so true and I wonder if that is what drew me to them having left my home country at the age of six. I still have my original books in my special bookcase. It was lovely to hear you read the extract from The Railway Children and I sat back to relax for story time! 😀

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    1. Hi Annette, I can understand your desire for stability after a childhood filled with change. I always wanted my boys to attend one school (unlike my 14 schools) and to have one home (I moved 21 times). I achieved it with Greg but Michael has had to move a few times due to his learning barrier. It’s all worked out for them both.

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      1. I will be sharing quotes a little differently with #WarAndPeace2022. I know that Liz Humphreys will be sharing quotes weekly, and I’m getting more organized on how I want to mark the journey.

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