
Robbie’s Inspiration – Tanka Tuesday and W3 Prompt (2) #poetry

This week, Colleen’s challenge is to write the second part of a Renga to which she supplied the first part. I tried to work with Colleen’s hokku but it really doesn’t suit our current Highveld weather, so instead of leaving it, I wrote my own hokku and my own wakiku. You can join in Colleen’s challenge here:

Late Autumn

Late afternoon sun

Gently caresses flowers

Deceptive autumn


Temperatures drop overnight

Approaching winter’s warning


This is my hokku for Colleen:

Fallen leaves collect

Blocking gutters and downpipes

Wet season’s nightmare

Picture caption: My bearded irises are in flower again.

Indulged eyes (shadorma)

Blooms on stalks

Are they beautiful?

Not to my

indulged eyes

Attuned to vivid colours

Not plain greenish-grey

Picture caption: The desert roses are in flower
Picture caption: I had a praying mantis visitor

W3 prompt – Where do I belong

Am I as mad as the March Hare?

As muddled as the Mad Hatter?

Are my dreams of saving wildlife

As fanciful as a dormouse in a teapot?

Are my aspirations to slow down the extinction clock

As unrealistic as the White Rabbit’s hopes to be on time?

Will southern African wildlife disappear

In the manner of the Cheshire Cat?

The signposts are all so confusing

The race endless – round and round I go

Do I belong in Wonderland?

With all the other disappointed dreamers

The W3 prompt is as follows:

II. Destiny’s prompt guidelines

Compose a free verse poem of no more than 12 lines on the theme of ‘belonging’.

Each of us interprets this word uniquely, and its significance may evolve throughout various stages of our lives. Feel free to delve into your personal reflections and follow where your thoughts take you.

You can join in the challenge here: