Growing Bookworms – “Why must I read when the world is electronic and I prefer computer games to books?”

I am over at Writing to be Read today with a post that looks at this question by children: “Why must I read when the world is electronic and I prefer computer games to books?” Thanks for hosting me, Kaye Lynne Booth​.

Writing to be Read

Children need to learn to read and write. This is an undebatable fact. Well, it’s undebatable from a parents point of view, it is very debatable from a teenagers point of view. I have had a number of conversations with children, including my younger son, about the necessity of reading.

“Why do I need to read when I can watch a movie?”

“Why must I read when the world is electronic and I prefer computer games to books?”

The simple answer, is that despite our moving to a more visual and electronic platform, everything in our modern lives is still underpinned by the written word. It is merely it’s shape and form that has changed.

Every movie and most television shows are based on screenplays which are written by writers, or even groups of writers. Many movies and television series are adapted from books. If there were no books, our…

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43 thoughts on “Growing Bookworms – “Why must I read when the world is electronic and I prefer computer games to books?”

  1. I am tempted to respond “why should I cook dinner when Taco Bell is just a few blocks away?” LOL You are right to point out that writing is behind everything and that once you and I get over our “literary snobbery” about content we are glad to see boys reading all about game strategy.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for the great posting, Robbie! To be honest, I have to admit that I enjoyed learning to read. But not books, but – what a shame – to be able to read bank statements. Here, too much was just about money. ;-( Michael

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I really appreciate this topic and your responses, they are a great reference for parents dealing with this common new generation question. My now teenage son had shocked me in this 4th grade, asking me why he needs to read books because he could gladly live off of playing sports and video games. It took us about 90 minutes of conversation to arrive at an acceptable agreement 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Robbie – this is an excellent post and discussion about how reading continues to evolve. From tablets, to papyrus, to printing press, reading has taken many forms. Now, the possibility of engaging, even changing a storyline is possible with the new technologies that are on the horizon. Exciting stuff!!

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  5. I obviously can’t follow them all, but nearly every kid I taught who liked to read is doing well. If nothing else, it opens doors that they might not otherwise go through. I used to read with my son through 6th grade. It does my heart good to know that he still likes to read today. I hope he will pass on this gift to his children when he eventually has children.

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  6. Hello Robbie, I come from a family of readers, and brought a family of readers into the world myself. Now my grandson, aged 11, loves his video games and is totally computer literate. However, he reads non-stop. When he first learned, it was as if he had been given the best present ever. I’m sure there is room for both in the world of young people today. And I take your point about learning from those video games too; I hadn’t thought of that.

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    1. Hi Elizabeth, thank you for your lovely comment. My boys also both read but not as much as I would like them to. I’ve had to accept that they will play their computer games and I do see their argument about their value. Moderation in all things preferably.

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  7. It’s an argument we’ll either win or lose in the next decade. Like handwriting. There is so much good to that but I think we’re losing that skill to keyboarding. I’m clicking over to read more.

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  8. Thank you so much Robbie for your profound post. I completely agree with you children must inculcate the habit of reading books and nice to see so many books turning into movies for the little ones too. We are showing my grandson few of the nursery rhymes and he likes to see them but we have not made it a habit. My daughter reads from story books for him.

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  9. This is excellent, Robbie. Reading to children before bedtime sets a routine, lets the child know it’s important, and promotes a love of books and stories.


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