A non-stop weekend

The last few weeks have been busy for me from a writing perspective and also from a work perspective. I am in the middle of two large projects and they are both requiring extra effort and time so I have been working longer hours again.

From a writing perspective, I have finally managed to finish the re-writing and self editing of Through the Nethergate and Mr Fox is now doing a read of it for me and picking up a few small things I missed before I send it for final editing. He has been quite complimentary about this book and said “it is quite interesting.” High praise indeed from Mr Fox who is not a big fiction reader.

Here is the cover and the blurb:

NEVERGATE full spread

You can find out more about this book on my other adult blog, Roberta Writes.

I have three short stories in a new murder mystery anthology that is coming out in July called Death Among Us. My three stories are all historical murder mysteries with a splash of supernatural in line with my current writing style. I made some memes over the weekend to advertise the book. I was pretty pleased with them and think I am getting better at these. Here is one of them:

Death Among Us - promotion 1

I was thrilled to find a lovely review of my new Sir Chocolate book, Sir Chocolate and the Fondant Five story and cookbook and two reviews for While the Bombs Fell. It is so exciting to get a good review and it really makes all the effort of writing the book feel worthwhile.

Sir Choc books - Fondant five elephant

I caught up on my book reviews over the weekend and wrote five new reviews for Goodreads and Amazon. I still have two more to write up this coming weekend and I, by the end of the week, I may have finished my latest audio book too so that will make it three. I don’t like to rush writing reviews as I need to think about them and write them up properly.

I wrote a new historical blog post and that took a bit of time as there was research involved and I did a bit of work too. Oh, I nearly forgot, I also developed a flowchart of my new book idea. That was fun and I am forcing it to fit in finding that my ideas fit in perfectly with all my blog prompts.

My mom wanted me to take her shopping on Sunday morning so off we went together and had a nice time looking at all the new winter fashion items. Somehow, I am the one who had all the packets when we left the shops though.

The best news of all is that my Michael was awarded the designation of Councillor for his school. He has worked very hard to achieve this and I am so proud of him.

I don’t know where my time goes, well I do know but everything seems to take so long to do, doesn’t it? It feels like my days simply fly by.

Enjoy the rest of the week.


70 thoughts on “A non-stop weekend

  1. Wow, you have my head spinning Robbie. You have achieved so much during a short time. A well organised lady I feel.
    It is wonderful to get help with editing from someone you can trust and can discuss with.
    All luck to your new book.


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow, I wonder if you head was relaxed enough to get good night sleep. You certainly had a spiral weekend. I picked up the word phantom in your blurb that wasn’t used before and I like it. Have a wonderful week.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Colline. Here is the link to my most recent post: https://robertawrites235681907.wordpress.com/2019/04/14/writephoto-decisions-from-a-memorandum-left-by-dr-thompson/?fbclid=IwAR3a3UoXuJuUxnn1dLONCvc4fuVYT53Iuh3OSBqZCF3mRa_3Y_QgKabVvZM. I decided to separate my supernatural/horror and sci-fi writing from my children’s writing and poetry. It hasn’t worked as well as I had hoped because so many people know me as Robbie Cheadle but at least people can chose whether they are interested in my darker side. Smile

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I have been writing supernatural/horror and sci-fi. My writing is not gory or obvious but not everyone like that kind of writing so I decided to separate the two types of writing. Here is a link to my latest post on Roberta Writes: https://robertawrites235681907.wordpress.com/2019/04/14/writephoto-decisions-from-a-memorandum-left-by-dr-thompson/?fbclid=IwAR3a3UoXuJuUxnn1dLONCvc4fuVYT53Iuh3OSBqZCF3mRa_3Y_QgKabVvZM

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    1. I didn’t mention it here, Tandy, but I am quite far down the line with my South African story too. It is about the Anglo Boer War (2nd one). I am at 12 000 words and still going strong. If you like this one, it is the book I thought we could include the SA recipes in.


  3. I realize that I’m repeating myself but… Robbie you truly are an inspiration. I don’t know how you manage to do it all. I’m very sorry that you’re putting long hours at work again. Of course you hoped it too, but I hoped this job would be a less demanding position. I sure hope they appreciate you, but I know how that goes.
    The book cover is terrific! Congratulations of reaching this milestone. Plus more kudos on being in another anthology.
    To borrow from an old song, “You are woman! And we hear you roar.” Mega hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Teagan, that is the nature of my job, when it is busy, it is very, very busy and when it is quiet it is busy. I hope you adjusting to your new environment and gaining confidence in getting around. I just love writing, I am an obsessive personality so when I like something, I work really hard at it.


  4. Wow! Robbie, I’m breathless reading about your week and weekend! Blimey, you don’t stop and I’m impressed with everything you’ve archieved. The book cover is terrific, eye-catching and draws us in and well done on a brilliant blurb. Well done also to Michael and becoming a Councillor- that’s fantastic! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

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