Robbie’s Inspiration – Tanka Tuesday seasonal poetry #poetry #TankaTuesday

I missed last week’s Tanka Tuesday because I was travelling. It is difficult for me to answer comments and keep up with blogging when abroad especially as I have to run after TC long legs all the time (I also surreptitiously stop for photograph opportunities and have to run twice as fast to catch up with the back of his head before he notices – tee hee!) He walked 100,000 steps which means I walked close to 200,000 in five days.

Anyhow, the point of the above was to say I have two weeks of poems to share. The first is about Joburg autumn and the second lot are about European late spring.

You can join in Tanka Tuesday here:

Tinted hair (Haibun)

Magnificent, its leaves vivid red, the deciduous tree draws the eye. It’s evergreen companions, Melanie’s compared to the vivacious Scarlett, belle of the ball, are drab in last season’s dusty green. Beauty is a brief and transient quality, wars have been fought over Venuses. Over time, their hair greys and their skin wrinkles. Just as the red leaves will fall, be raked into piles, and taken to the bonfire.

“I like your hairstyle”

Said evergreen to oak tree

“The red tint suits you.”

Picture caption: oak tree with red leaves interspersed with yellow

Cactus warriors (shadorma)

Fat, red spears

Glitter in sunshine


To battle

With approaching winter’s cold

Fight for survival

Northern Hemisphere Robbiefied kimo poems

Canal water ripples gently downstream

Sun paints a central streak of light

Runs and flows into surrounds


Slipping and sliding, water flows downstream

Ripples race peers under bridges

From one to seven they sprint

Picture caption: Seven bridges over a single canal in Amsterdam. I just love the light on the water.

Remember to look up when you’re touring

Warm sun catches golden circles

Reminder of times long past

Picture caption: Intertwining circles in solid gold on top of an ancient building
Picture caption: The gold intertwining circles are on top of the building that once served as the Dutch East India Company head office. Now it is an ordinary office building.

These kimo poems are Robbiefied because they include movement. David says a kimo poem should not include movement. But rules are made to be broken – smile!

89 thoughts on “Robbie’s Inspiration – Tanka Tuesday seasonal poetry #poetry #TankaTuesday

  1. My late husband was always turning and making a remark to a total stranger, having not noticed he had left me behind yards back taking photos. Looked like a wonderful holiday Robbie.

    I like to think of trees chatting to each other comparing ‘hairdos’.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Robbie, Such a fun post. I enjoyed the first poem on the Tinted Hair very much.
    Lol…I can imagine you running around taking pictures and trying to catch up. I do that, too. I think I walked the most in Norway. It was just so easy with the weather being pleasant and the air so clean. On one day, we walked 24 kms which was pretty huge for us.

    (I look up and down when I walk :). Who knows what you’ll miss if you only look down 😉

    Liked by 2 people

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