Robbie’s Inspiration – Midnight Roost Anthology WordCrafter Book Blog Tour #readingcommunity #MidnightRoost


A chance to win a free digital copy of Midnight Roost at every stop. Just leave a comment to show your support for the tour, the anthology, and all of the fantastic authors.

Reading from “Night of Terror”

Reading from “Night of Terror” – YouTube

About Julie Jones

Julie Jones lives in northeast Oklahoma with her husband of over twenty years, their two children, and one very spoiled rescue dog named Zelda. Julie has co-written three anthologies and published her own book of linked short stories, CHAIN REACTION, which includes her 2020 OWFI winner for Best Horror Short Story, “Camelot”. Julie is currently plotting a fourth book with her cohort and writing a weird Western novel under a pen name, while editing a trunked novel and working full time. A reader of all genres, she especially loves sci-fi and fantasy and strives to craft tales that both entertain and spark thought in her readers. She can be found on Facebook and Twitter, as well as her website

Julie’s story, “Tourist Trap” is featured in the 2022 Visions anthology from WordCrafter Press.

Inspiration for Teddy

Teddy’s inspiration drew from two distinct narratives, one purely imaginative and the other seemingly grounded in reality.

The first source of inspiration was a work of fiction, an episode from the renowned series “Star Trek: The Next Generation” entitled “The Inner Light.” In this captivating episode, Captain Picard experiences an extraordinary journey when an alien space probe renders him unconscious. Within the depths of his own mind, he lives out an entire lifetime as a citizen of an alien world, complete with its joys, sorrows, and milestones, until he grows old. The profound twist occurs when Picard awakens on the familiar bridge of the Enterprise, only to realize that the decades he’d spent in the alternate existence were a mere illusion, lasting a mere fifteen minutes in reality.

The second source of inspiration hails from the realms of non-fiction, recounting the harrowing tale of an unfortunate man who suffered a head injury during an accident. His unconscious state led him to dream an entire lifetime, so vivid and authentic that upon waking, the abrupt realization that it was all a figment of his imagination nearly drove him to madness.

Drawing from these poignant narratives, I wove a horror story around my protagonist, forcing him to confront a chilling conundrum: What constitutes true horror? Is it the monstrous apparition that haunted his mind, or the devastating revelation that his dream life was but a mirage, an ephemeral wisp of existence, never to be realized?

About Keith J. Hoskins

Keith J. Hoskins is a short story author, award-winning poet, and founding member of the Bel Air Creative Writer’s Society. He has four short stories in four anthologies as well as his own anthology, Beyond the Portal. Keith is currently working on his first novel: Kray and the Coveted Seer, a fantasy novel set in a magical world. Keith’s main genres of interest are fantasy, science fiction, and thrillers.

Keith’s stories, “The Cost of Magic” and “The Sight” are featured in the 2022 Refracted Reflections and the 2022 Visions anthologies, respectively, both from WordCrafter Press.

About the Book

20 authors bring your nightmares to life in 23 stories of ghosts, paranormal phenomenon, and the horror from the dark crevasses of their minds. Stories of stalkers, both human and supernatural, possession and occult rituals, alien visitations of the strange kind, and ghostly tales that will give you goosebumps. These are the tales that will make you fear the dark. Read them at the Midnight Roost… if you dare

Purchase Link:

Tour Schedule

Monday – October 16 – Opening Day – Isabele Grey (Interview & Reading) – Writing to be Read

Tuesday – October 17 – M J Mallon (Reading) & Christa Planko (Interview & Guest Post)– Undawnted

Wednesday – October 18 – Chris Barili (Guest Post) & Paul Kane (Guest Post) – Patty’s Worlds

Thursday – October 19 – Julie Jones & Keith Hoskins (Guest Post) – Robbie’s Inspiration

Friday – October 20 – Michaele Jordan (Reading) & Mario Acevedo (Guest Post) – Writing to be Read

Saturday – October 21 – Patty Fletcher (Guest Post) & DL Mullen (Guest Post & Video) – Roberta Writes

Sunday – October 22 – Sonia Pipkin (Guest Post) & Roberta Eaton Cheadle (Reading) – Kyrosmagica Publishing

Monday – October 23 – Closing Post – Denise Aparo (Reading) & other stories – Writing to be Read

31 thoughts on “Robbie’s Inspiration – Midnight Roost Anthology WordCrafter Book Blog Tour #readingcommunity #MidnightRoost

  1. Again, I’m late dropping in here. Robbie, thank you so much for hosting and setting up this lovely post. Thanks to Keith and Julie for sharing with us today, too. It’s turning out to be a great tour for this truly weird and creepy anthology. 🎃

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m terrified already Robbie!
    “20 authors bring your nightmares to life in 23 stories of ghosts, paranormal phenomenon, and the horror from the dark crevasses of their minds.”

    Just in time for the holidays. Great reviews on Julie and Keiths talented writing as well!🎃👻🎃👻

    Liked by 2 people

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