#Poetrychallenge – Storm and Cold

Colleen has selected storm and cold as her two words for this week’s poetry challenge. I have written a tanka and a haiku using synonyms for these two words. You can join in here: https://colleenchesebro.com/2019/01/22/colleens-2019-weekly-tanka-tuesday-poetry-challenge-no-120-cold-storm-synonymsonly/

Life’s noose

Dispassionate eyes

Watching as life’s noose tightens

Around my frail neck

Raging against the system

Only causes further pain


Pain debilitates

Penetrating barriers

desecrating hope

37 thoughts on “#Poetrychallenge – Storm and Cold

    1. I am feeling very claustrophobic and restricted in the new work environment. I enjoy regulation but there are limits. My strength has always been making the regulation work for a specific need. I am starting to give up with the world going in the direction it is.

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  1. Robbie, incredibly powerful and striking poems … you capture extreme pain perfectly when it can lead to ‘desecrating hope’. Excellent responses to the prompt … a subject I feel you could write a lot more about.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nicely done, Robbie. How vivid!
    It’s good that you can express yourself and get the emotion out. Much worse on the mind and body too if it is held inside.
    That being done now, wishing you shimmering light to ignite the Light of your existence and bring joy to your universe.

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    1. I have been reading about all the hangings at Newgate Prison, Jacqui. Very interesting to learn about how these were performed and by whom. This poem was metaphorical, of course, we don’t have the death sentence in South Africa.


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