Who is the most evil character in the Harry Potter book series?


Sally Cronin from Smorgasbord blog is running a lovely series called posts from your archives. Her idea is that she will share posts written by various bloggers when their blogs were new and their following was small. It is an opportunity for bloggers to share these posts again to a new audience. You can read the most recent post here: https://smorgasbordinvitation.wordpress.com/2019/02/18/smorgasbord-posts-from-your-archives-family-thanksgiving-2017-by-miriam-hurdle/

I forgot that Sally was looking for posts about family and looked for four posts that I thought were interesting and warranted re-sharing. I found this one about who the most evil character in the Harry Potter book series is and, seeing it is not about family and I spent so much time sifting through my old posts, I thought I would share it again today.

My older son asked me yesterday “Mom, who do you think is the most evil character in the Harry Potter book series?” I didn’t give my reply much thought at all “Well, it must be Lord Voldemort!” – he is the fascist-styled leader of a group of evil witches and wizards in the books and the mastermind behind the plot to rid the world of non-magical people, or Muggles, as they are called in the book.

“Are you sure?” asked Greg, aged 13 and three quarters. “Lord Voldemort is evil but he isn’t the character that disturbs me the most.” In Greg’s world, he has a list of the three most evil characters in the world of Harry Potter. Lord Voldemort appears on the list – as number three! So who could possibly be worse? “I really don’t like Bellatrix Lestrange.” I thought about that, yes, Bellatrix is a truly evil witch, Lord Voldemort’s most loyal follower and the one who is instrumental in carrying out his plans. Bellatrix is very happy to torture and murder anyone who stands in the path to glory and dominance for her Master. “She’s my number 2.” Number 2, I gasped in amazement – who could possibly be worse. I wracked my brain to think who could fit the most evil bill; it has been a while since I read Harry Potter.

Finish reading this post here: https://robbiesinspiration.wordpress.com/2016/11/22/who-is-the-most-evil-character-in-the-harry-potter-book-series/

25 thoughts on “Who is the most evil character in the Harry Potter book series?

      1. I’ve tried so hard to get into it. In fact the first one is by my bedside. I started reading it with the kids. But even they’re not fussed by it😕


    1. Hi Dolly, I wonder why the link didn’t work. Here is the ending to put you out of your misery: “The character I detest the most is Delores Umbridge”, says Greg with a little smile. “She is a teacher and should share knowledge with and inspire her students. Instead, she betrays her position of trust and tortures Harry. She makes him cut the words “I must not tell lies” into his hand and the whole time she has a sickly sweet smile on her face.” A very interesting view and one I would not necessarily have arrived at myself. On reflection thought, I absolutely agree with Greg.

      So what do you think? Who is the most detestable character in the Harry Potter series – let me know by commenting.

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