#Flashfiction – Enrichment

Charli Mills prompt for this week is to write, in 99 words (no more, no less), a story that includes the idea of enrichment. Use many of its different manifestations or explore reasons why it matters to the character. Go where the prompt leads. You can join in the prompt here: https://carrotranch.com/2019/01/10/january-10-flash-fiction-challenge/

The concept of enrichment led me to thinking about my children. We have experienced chronic illness with both our boys and it has been a hard road. The pain you suffer as a parent, watching your child suffer trauma, operations and illness, is enormous. Each time your child falls ill, the anxiety almost drives you mad. It is an endless round of doctors and specialists, tests, antibiotics and other medications. Each new treatment introduces a new complexity into the mix. Cortisone causes high blood pressure, weight issues and can damage your eyes permanently. Operations have high fail rates and cause scar tissue. The doctors don’t tell you the risks and, even if they did, when faced with cortisone and its hazards or death, you chose cortisone.

Despite the pain, my children have enriched my life enormously. I can’t imagine life without them. They are such wonderful boys despite the health issues they have both suffered.

These thoughts led to this 99-word flash:

The nightmare recurred every night. My son was dying. Suffocating due to his inability to draw enough oxygen into his lungs.

Jerking awake, sweating and anxious, I believed I’d forgotten to give him lifesaving medication. The need to check on him was overwhelming. Looking at his sweet face lying on the pillow I knew I could not sleep again without him close to me. I collected him in my arms and staggered back to my own bed, tucking him in beside me.

The pain has been immeasurable but my dear one has enriched my life, bringing me immense joy.



46 thoughts on “#Flashfiction – Enrichment

  1. This is fabulous, Robbie. I was thinking along the same lines. Our children certainly do enrich our lives. Although I haven’t had to contend with their illnesses as you have, I’ve definitely done the checking on their breathing. I can’t think of anything that enriched my life more.

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  2. A stunningly powerful insight, Robbie. The anguish you must feel as a parent with chronic illnesses also gives you a deep reverence for your children beyond ailment. It’s that juxtaposition of emotion that makes your flash a stunner. Recognizing it’s memoir makes me appreciate the source of your creativity even more. You have faced the worst and seen the best.

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  3. Robbie, our children are definitely the ultimate enrichment in our lives. A moving response to the prompt … it must be so tough for you all and it takes courage from you and your sons. Your love for your boys shines strong. Hugs, my friend! ❤️

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      1. Oh, definitely very proud and I just love listening to the music as he practices away. He’s releasing his own creation this coming Friday. BTW he was very chuffed to know you are listening all the way from South Africa and says many thanks to you.

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    1. Thank you, Jacqui. I actually did have this dream for years when Michael was small. I still have them but much more rarely. I seem to be a big dreamer. I had a reoccurring nightmare as a child about losing my Dad in a maze and not being able to find him.


    1. I didn’t know that Adele. I am sorry to hear it and hope she is more controlled now. Michael’s asthma was brittle which meant it didn’t improve on high doses of medication. He is doing better now that he is nearly 13 but it does come back. Have a good week.

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